The Music Ministry at Northwest Hills Global Methodist Church is a multigenerational group of adults brought together by a common biblical purpose:
- To EXALT God through music and worship
- To ENCOURAGE all to utilize their talents to glorify God with passion
- To EVANGELIZE the lost with a joy and passion to reach the world.
As a Music Ministry, we offer a place where your unique talents can combine with others to exalt the name of Jesus!
As you will see through our different musical and artistic groups, the Music Ministry strives to use different styles of worship to allow the people of God to both serve and experience Jesus Christ.
Cara Coffey Hall
Worship Minister
The Praise Band plays at the 11am service each Sunday and utilizes instruments such as guitars, keys, bass, drums, and more! The band rehearses twice weekly on Tuesday evenings and on Sunday mornings before service. The Praise Band is a committed and faithful group of musicians who strive to give their best in their music each week. Contact Cara for more information about this ministry.

The Choir is a dynamic group of worshippers who enjoy fellowship as well as worshiping together through music. This group is open to anyone who wants to praise the Lord through singing. The Choir sings at both services and rehearses on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. Contact Cara for more information about joining this spirited group.

Our Bell choir is made up of a group of people who love praising the Lord with our Bells. There is no audition required and is open to anyone, both experienced and new ringers are welcome. They rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm at the church. If you are interested or just want to stop by and check it out, you can contact the director, Peggy Erickson, at or stop by the Connection Center and leave your information with the Volunteer Coordinator, Kelly Voorhies.
Come find your place in our Music Ministry!