CHILDREN'S CHURCH TIME: 8:15 & 11:00 am
Children, age 3 through 5th grade, enjoy worship and prayer with their parents in the sanctuary, then are escorted to their classroom where they will participate in a Bible story that is age appropriate and returned to the sanctuary at the end of the sermon.
Trackers of Truth is a program designed to develop the basics of Christianity in our children, instilling in them a knowledge of where truth is found, examples of Biblical “Trackers of Truth,” and a desire to seek truth for themselves.
Children's Minister
Dannell Moffett
Email: dmoffett@nwhills.org
Phone: 210.681.3751

Simply Loved is designed to help kids discover and understand that God always loves us, we can trust God and Jesus loves everyone.
We encourage all of our children to join us on Sunday morning and find out what cool things we have planned. If you have questions about our Children’s Sunday School or any part of our Children’s Ministry contact Dannell Moffett, our Children’s Minister.